Thursday 1 August 2013

Purity Championship Information, Infinity Monday Hype!

With little over three days until the first Infinity broadcast there is considerable hype surrounding the new federation. Dirtsheet reporters have reached out and several Infinity personalities and management have commented about the upcoming show.

COO, The Copycat Kid:
“Big reveals, matches, unveiling the wrestlers. Monday night will be an amazing night. Copy That!”

BZN Representative, Lana Parker:
“Myself and Mr. Osman will be keeping a close eye on the live show. We hope the company lives up to its billing at a TV 14 television show. If it does that, all parties will be happy!”

Host of ‘The LaTundra Show’, Shanaynay LaTundra:
“Why isn't I on dat roster? Bitch fresh outta jail ready to wrestle.”

Infinity Chairman, Roderick Blackmore:
“At least two of the championships are going to be unveiled. It is going to be a memorable night for all involved.”

We believe Roderick is referring to unveiling the World and Purity championships. It is believed that the unveiling will open the show before the first match of the night between Murray Muir and Matt Young.

The first Purity match is a triple threat between Matt Rydell, Jordan Casanova, and Joey Harding. It’s believed management are incredibly high on the Purity belt and feel that because there is only a broadcast once a fortnight, it’s crucial to have at least one title on the line on each show. Roderick Blackmore, in particular, is pleased with the high calibre of opponents in the main event, and currently doesn’t object to any of the three holding the belt.

The first challenger for the winner of the match will face the winner who names the ring announcer. There is still time for Infinity wrestlers to create their own choice for the show at the link below:

Below is the official Infinity Wrestling bio about the Purity Championship, taken from the Infinity Championships page on the Developmental section of the website:

And finally the crown jewel of the Infinity City, the IWF Purity Championship. Out of all the titles made for the Infinity City this is the exemplification of Infinity’s purpose to provide an ever changing living story. The name Purity reflects the way that pure champions arise to mantle of vanguard of the Infinity City, and protect it from show to show. Shaped in a particular way to show that the Purity champion is on the forefront of all things Infinity, in-and-out of the ring, check below for some stipulations and cool benefits of being the IWF Purity Championship.

‘Purity’ Stipulations:
·     Getting a title match is not necessarily because of winning matches, contender-ship to the Purity title is predominantly based upon innovation in the Infinity City, IWF management will announce the stipulations are each show for how to become the next contender for the Purity title. There are unlimited reasons why you might be awarded a title match, here are a few examples:
o    Recognition by management
o    Democratic votes for innovative ideas
o    Invaluable input into storyline
o    Unparalleled character development
o    Infinity City contributions & creations
·     The Purity championship will be defended every single show, no if’s or buts, so those who want to dedicate themselves to being champion will need to be committed for this period
·     After 5 successful matches for the championship (including the one match you won it) you will be awarded an IWF Championship match in the future
o    If you choose this option you will be vacated of the IWF Purity Championship and you will have guaranteed your world title match
o    If you choose to reject this option you can remain Purity champion, but you can always cash it in at a later date providing you are still Purity champion
o    If you lose your status as Purity champion you will not be legible for a world title match, you must ‘cash in’ whilst your name is on the belt

The Dirtsheet

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