Wednesday 14 August 2013

Information About the IWF Singularis Championship!

For those lurking in the dark about the relevance and meaning of the Infinity titles, we at the Dirtsheet have gone to the trouble of enlightening you in Infinity City about just this issue. Pulled from the 'Developmental' page under the Infinity Championship Guide, here is the official statement about the Singularis Championship.

It is widely believed in the locker-room that the championship belt will be revealed on the second Infinity show on Monday August 19th 2013 and that it will be TCK doing the honours, and not Chairman Roderick Blackmore.

There is also rumblings amongst management that the Singularis division will be a success because the matches are non-conventional matches. Management believe this will lead to many memorable moments, and high spots that will be used in future highlight reels.

This week there are three Singularis qualifiers, the first of which is a Ladder match between Matt Young, Chris Michaels, and Craig Anderson. Second, Jamo and debutant Starkiss will collide in a submission match, and lastly two highly rated wrestlers Jason Smith and Joey Tierney will battle in a tables match.


*Extracted from the Infinity Championship Guide *

IWF Singularis Championship

The IWF Singularis Championship is a title that means only extraordinary and ballsy competitors can fair at competing in the division for a shot becoming the champion. At Infinity HQ we didn’t want another typical ‘Hardcore’ division, and this is not about being that at all. The Singularis title represents singular and daring efforts to showboat yourself to becoming the most outstanding champion you can be, a high-risk, uncertain division that anything can happen. There are two major rules to the division, number one is that standard ‘one fall’ matches do not occur, and secondly the match will not end until there is a definitive winner. This league is about breaking down walls, coming out of your comfort zone, and being encouraged to do absolutely any and all things to become the singularity of the Infinity City…the person who has no limit, the person of infinite possibility.

‘Singularis’ Stipulations:
·     Conventional/standard matches will never take place when then IWF Singularis Championship is involved
·     Until a definitive winner of matches has their hand raised the match will continue, there is no escape from a match involving the IWF Singularis Championship
·     In a kayfabe manner, in order to contend for the championship your character must bring something to the table in a manner of speaking, this is a high-risk all reward division if you are successful
·     Types of common Singularis matches to take place will include:
o    Wager Matches: Bets on things, like Infinity creations, nicknames, finishing moves, rights to things, anything really. A winner takes all system.

o    Stipulation Matches: A participant, or both, have a stipulation to include for the upcoming match


The Dirtsheet

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