Friday 4 October 2013

Are Over Rated even rated?

There is only one official tag team in the entirety of Infinity Wrestling and they go by the name of Over Rated. The duo of John Charismatic and Blair Holmes have formed a union that no others have dared and the purpose of this article is too understand whether or not this duo have what it takes to bring home the IWF Harmony Championships and seal their legacy as Infinity City’s first great team.

Infinity roster cards: John Charismatic (left), Blair Holmes (right)

The Dynamic of Over Rated
At a surface level there isn’t anything particularly binding between JC and Blair. For instance one is an energetic night club owner, widely known as the successful head of bar Electric.

Bar Electric is an official sponsor of Infinity Wrestling (pictured above) 

“Mr. Household Entertainment’s” relative success in the City has left people wondering why JC’s own contributions in the City, most notably the Charismatic Coliseum, are utter failures. John only has three students in a crumbling wrestling school: Alf Levenson, The Prince of Darkness, and Chris Reid. At Infinity #2 & #3 these students have been seen at ringside during John’s matches, both of which he lost.
Is JC a good role model for these kids? Most in the city don’t give JC the time of day, why would they believe in him?

Over Rated have suffered consecutive defeats at Infinity Mondays broadcasts, both as singles competitors and as a team, and these losses have called into question whether or not the unique pairing can win the Harmony Championship’s at Infinity’s first ever pay-per-view, Immortalis. Labelled as “The Showcase of Immortal Champions” are Blair and JC destined to overcome these defeats or will the head of the harmony division, Infinity COO The Copycat Kid, get his wish of seeing Over Rated’s names off the belts?

Infinity Mondays history of Over Rated:

Infinity #1, 5th August 2013: John Charismatic def. Blair Holmes (via pinfall)
Infinity #2, 19th August 2013: John Charismatic & Blair Holmes (via Disqualification)
Infinity #3, 2nd September 2013: James Jameson & Chris Michaels def. John Charismatic & Blair Holmes (via pinfall)
Infinity #4, 23rd September 2013: Jordan Casanova def. Blair Holmes (via pinfall)
Infinity #4, 23rd September 2013: Murray Muir def. Chris Michaels & John Charismatic

Infinity #4: Jordan Casanova won his first ever singles match against Blair Holmes

Infinity #4: Charismatic took the pin against a victorious Murray Muir in a brilliant triple threat match 

Losses can be seen as lack of harmony between a team and union and more questions are posed, especially following Infinity #4: Why didn’t JC come out and help Blair? Where was Blair in JC’s match? Neither were by each other’s sides, hardly inspiring to JC’s on-looking students, right…

The definition of harmony is provided on the Infinity Wrestling website on the Developmental page in the Championship Guide. Below is management’s, and by that we mean TCK’s, expectations regarding the Harmony division.

Infinity Wrestling’s Championship Guide: The Harmony Championship
So, you think you know how tag teams in wrestling do you? Think again friend.
Throughout the introduction of the Infinity shows we will begin unveiling our evolved tag team formula. Yes you are right to believe tag-team wrestling is about two or more individuals teaming up to win matches, but that is also what is so cliché about the tag team division of most federations. Teams win championships, then what? They can defend but they don’t really evolve after that. TCK is pushing for a revolutionary tag-team division in the Infinity City, and without giving too much away his announcements will focus on how the IWF Harmony Championships will reflect a new and innovative form of teamwork.

Cooperative Promos
You may have read something already about cooperative promos somewhere in the Developmental guides, to elaborate again this style of promo are when two superstars write and combine their two promos into one unified promo. This is favoured upon management as it shows the true heart of tag-teams, where your story is one and so is your effort. Traditional tag teams win because they write two promo scripts for a match, which is still great, but so typical and well, stale and shows no innovation that we strive to achieve in Infinity City. By working closely with your partner to create a unified and non-contradictory promo you get a distinct advantage over your opponents in tag team matches. For more information inquire with IWF management about questions you have on cooperative promos.

So where are Over Rated left? They are fighting a battle on two fronts. At one end you’ve got the conspiring management of TCK and his hard-line approach in his division, which as of yet has not garnered one clean finish. Whilst on the other there are the contenders for the title, Jordan Casanova and the debuting Joey Harding. Casanova’s sort-of-official partner James Jameson, “Mr. Media” and the bonafide television star made Over Rated sweat on who the contenders were going to be, waiting until Matt Rydell's match against Taylor Westfall to make a decision.

Harmony or Purity was the question most asked in the city? Would Casanova face his bitter rival Matt Rydell or go against Over Rated?

After Matt Rydell was tripped by the hand of Casanova, spurred on by Brian Von-Malice, this distraction caused a chain of events which led to Rydell being the recipient of a pinfall in Westfall's favour.
Jameson and Casanova rose tall above Rydell, presumably with Blair in the back looking on or receiving treatment after an earlier loss against Casanova, and JC too. Either way of looking at it, Over Rated go into the PPV on the back foot.

Also going against them is the official debut of Joey Harding. With James Jameson an alter ego of Harding, rather an extension of Harding by many accounts, we’re expecting Surge to step up his game at the PPV, giving no mercy to Over Rated. On that account, we know Casanova and Von-Malice have no idea what remorse means, being from Fair City and all, but the opposition have positioned themselves perfectly to cause a stir and take the limelight, and the gold for themselves. By positioning Harding as a wildcard of sorts, and by getting the last word in on Infinity, Over Rated have to overcome a greater battle than they anticipate.
Do they have the harmony and ability to rise up once more?

In an Infinity polling station poll that questions the outcome of the match at Immortalis the heavy favourites going into the PPV are Casanova and Harding. With TCK’s mounting pressure and influence and the favouritism against Over Rated, we at the Dirtsheet believe it’s going to be a hard mountain to climb for the only team on IWF’s record books.

Infinity Wrestling presents Immortalis 
Harmony Championship: Over Rated vs. Joey Harding & Jordan Casanova

The Championship Belt
The Infinity World Championship is not the only belt that hasn’t been revealed, the Harmony Championship hasn’t seen the light of day, and not even the world title thief, A.C. Mack can lay claim to taking harmonies gold. Infinity #3 was designed to put over the division and we believe it would have given justice to a division which only saw only one great match out of four harmony bouts. That match featured Over Rated losing after JC tagged himself in only to meet the rubber of Chris Michaels’s boot as the least over wrestler on the roster came to terms with the Legendary Kick. The absence of the actual belt has fans wondering, what does they actually look like? In fact for us here at the Dirtsheet this leaves us asking more questions, so it may not be a bad thing for management to keep everyone on their tippy-toes.

Is it because there have been no clean finishes?
Does TCK have them locked away and has personal control over the belt?
Will TCK unveil the straps at Immortalis?
If Over Rated at successful in beating Harding and Casanova, will TCK give his least favourite team the straps?
Will the fans accept Over Rated as champions?

An inside source claims that production of the Harmony Championships was finished long ago, and at one point was even redesigned, but our insider couldn’t get close to the Copycat to ask him about the whereabouts and design of the belt.

Infinity management haven’t left us in the dark completely however. A blue star is featured on the Immortalis poster and when promoting Infinity #3, leading many to believe the belt is blue and the star features, or it may simply be a feature similar to the theme of Immortalis which is promoted with a single star to signify the first pay-per-view event. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, here is the blue star featured:

At Infinity #3 there was also a sneak peak at the belt but it reveals very little, if anything. A single word, Concordia, in orange text is highlighted with a dark purple background. With Infinity’s latin themes apparent the word Concordia translates to Harmony but the actual details of the word and its positioning on the belt are unknown at this time. Here is the slight teaser of the belt:

Television star James Jameson, the alter ego of the debuting Joey Harding has his own take on the Harmony belts, though what you’re about to see below isn’t for the faint hearted:

Are Charismatic and Blair over rated?
The irony in their name is clear for all to see, their polar attitudes and mixed performances in the ring have raised a giant question mark over their capability to win the unveiled straps and an even question mark about what happens if they are unsuccessful?
Will Over Rated be over before it gets started?
It’s a clichéd term but there are many truths to it in a wrestling sense: Never say never.
Immortalis is Over Rated’s testing grounds, the true validity of their harmony and their ability and because of Mr. Osman we are almost guaranteed a clean finish, for the first time in a division plagued with indecision and disqualification.  

Infinity: Immortalis is live from Evermore Stadium on Monday 14th October 2013.

The Dirtsheet