Wednesday 24 July 2013

Michaels/Casanova feud, finings, Lucian Shannon's identity, and Charismatic heat!

Week two of the Infinity City has seen many of the superstars become adjusted to the new lifestyle the City offers, but obviously when you put hyper-competitive wrestlers in the same area and an internet connection there is bound to be heated collisions. This week two IWF superstars Jordan Casanova and Chris Michaels have brawled in a social media feud on twitter. Instigated by Infinity City's 'Hooligan' Casanova the twitter feud started after he called out Micheals due to Chris's new affiliation with the City. Below are some of the highlights of their long argument we believe will continue for the days to come:

  1. Chris Michaels ‏@Chris_Michaels_
    I never once made it a big deal I signed with IWF. I never once called myself a star or put myself on some pedestal.
  2. Chris Michaels ‏@Chris_Michaels_
    I don't want to compete against someone inferior! I wrestle because I want to wrestle the best and make em better!

  1. Jordan Casanova ‏@IWFHooligan are, because maybe after you've been in the ring here a few times you'll discover you're not as good as you thought.
  2. Jordan Casanova ‏@IWFHooligan
    ...looks on screen. Maybe save your statements until you've actually had Match ONE here before talking about how good...

- Jordan Casanova has also been in the spotlight for other reasons that his rants on twitter, he and the 'Macknificent' A.C. Mack have both been fined $25,000 by CEO Roderick Blackmore for their recent conduct in Infinity City. Inside rumors hint that Blackmore made the decision to fine Casanova because of his attempts at bullying Chris Michaels despite neither of them competing yet. Whilst IWF has loose conduct protocols Roderick does not tolerate abusive behaviour when it borders on the intently violent. Blackmore stated that the Hooligan had gone "too far this time" and that "an example had to be set, IWF runs on a TV-14 rating and we can't have any of our stars think they are above the companies rules."

- A.C. Mack was fined due to his withdrawal of his scheduled match against Murray Muir at Infinity's debut show. The Hollywood star paid the fine in full instantly and said that it was "pocket change" to him. Jordan Casanova reacted much more negatively to the fine when he was seen in Fair City but was not reached for comment. We at the Dirtsheet think that this won't do anything to help the Hooligan's already sour beliefs towards the City.

- New IWF superstar Lucian Shannon is confirmed to be the former star known as Bobby Hogan, the former Steel Cage Wresting owner and UBW Showtime Champion has taken to the ring with a new name, purpose, ideal, and drive. Bizarrely when our researchers were given his addressed they refused to go to his home after they learned he was located in the notorious Infinity Underground region. Infinity's Underground is home to the electric subway system, further down the sewers, and god knows where, Lucian's home.

- Another recent signing in Infinity City, the illustrious John Charismatic, was recently blasted by fellow roster members. John who now teams with Blair Holmes was slated by his choice to join a tag team. The superstars who commented asked to remain anonymous but it is clear that there is strong opinion in the locker room that John Charismatic's choice to team up instead of going solo is solely based off the fact that even John himself knows that he is just not that over with fans, wrestlers, or anybody.

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The Dirtsheet

Sunday 21 July 2013

First Infinity Monday Show, Commentators Update, Two Upcoming Signings

Yesterday we revealed that IWF were planning to unveil its first match card. The inside scoop is that the show will indeed take place on Monday 5th August.

Currently in the race for Infinity commentators “Bad Boy” Brandon Kheller” is in the lead with Sammy Kinghan and Gooch Henderson tied for second. Voting for the poll closes within a few hours.!polling-station/c90q

If the poll remains the same, Infinity will have a three man commentary team with Sammy Kinghan, Gooch Henderson and “Bad Boy” Brandon Kheller. This also means the first Purity Championship match will be a triple threat match between Matt Rydell, Joey Harding and Jordan Casanova.

In the planned World Heavyweight tournament, with eight wrestlers in four matches, Roderick Blackmore plans on drawing the competitors randomly, meaning each match will be spontaneous.

One planned tournament entry, Joey Tierney, has withdrawn from the title tournament. Dirtsheet reporters are still investigating why Tierney has pulled out, but all we know so far is that he held a meeting with Roderick Blackmore.

Two signings are expected to be announced shortly. After much delay, Justin Williams is expected to finally be announced, and another wrestler, Lucian Shannon, is expected to be announced. Shannon is expected to be on the first edition of IWF Infinity.

As of writing we do not know the identity of Lucian.

The Dirtsheet

Saturday 20 July 2013

JC's Signing, Infinity Commentators, Purity Championship

In the early hours of Saturday morning Infinity Wrestling finally announced the candidates for their commentary team. With eight options available this means eight wrestlers are in contention with a shot at the Purity Championship on the first edition of Infinity.

The eight candidates are as followed:
Sammy Kinghan (Matt Rydell)
Telis Reye (TCK)
Jackson Peters & Andre O’Toole (Jack Anderson)
Chris Platt & Dani Tores (Craig Anderson)
Gooch Henderson (Joey Harding)
Chris Walker (Joey Tierney)
Robbie Black & Patrick Eisenberg (Matt Young)
“Bad Boy” Brandon Kheller (Jordan Casanova)

Currently “Bad Boy” Brandon Kheller” is in the lead with Sammy Kinghan and Gooch Henderson tied for second. To vote on the poll, click the link below.!polling-station/c90q

In regards to the title shot, Roderick Blackmore is apparently apprehensive about Joey Harding potentially getting a title shot because of his contract restrictions. Blackmore feels that Harding wouldn’t be able to have a fruitful reign as Purity Champion, especially because it is defended on every show..

TCK’s poll pick, Telis Reye is apparently unaware that he was up for contention. With another inside scoop, Blackmore has little to no faith that TCK will get any votes. He sees this trend continuing in the future.

There are currently plans to unveil the Purity Championship in the week, and put up the first Infinity card on Monday, with the show either taking place on the 29th July, or most likely on the 5th August.

A Dirtsheet reporter tracked down Infinity COO The Copycat Kid and got some inside information about the signing of John Charismatic.
“Never met JC before but I’ve heard things in the locker room about him, and from what I’ve seen and heard about him, not all of it is good.”

The Dirtsheet

Thursday 11 July 2013

More signing rumors spreading in Infinity City

Day three in the newly established Infinity City promotion IWF has yet again produced many more rumors of people who are not only showing interest, but also signing up to this new federation. It should be pointed out that currently all of the stars involved with Infinity at this current time have had previous affiliation with the Bebo Wrestling Network.

- IWF Chairman Roderick Blackmore tweeted this afternoon some interesting speculation of the latest IWF signing, the tweet from the chairman of the board said: "Two exciting new signings today in IWF, many more to follow in the next few days. IWF is #Macknificent". If this were to be true then it is most likely that AC Mack, the multi-time world champion and former star of the Bebo Wrestling Network, is the newest member of the Infinity roster. Reporters have failed to reach AC Mack for comment.

- It appears that Jordan Casanova has indeed signed a contract to perform as a wrestler in Infinity, the 'Hooligan' from the neighboring Fair City is sure to cause quite the stir considering his open resentment of the Infinity City. We are awaiting official confirmation from Infinity management regarding this new signing.

- The rumors posted yesterday about The Copycat Kid approaching former UBW wrestler Bobby Hogan appear true. TCK told us that "Hogan and I have been talking numbers, and dates for him to work but nothing signed as of yet", confirming everyone's suspicions. The COO also went on to say that "Me and Bobby did however talk about the possibility of a new version of Bobby Hogan, I think he wants to reinvent himself within Infinity if he chooses to join."

- Dwayne Cray is in talks to sign a contract with Infinity, apart from the speculation about his return to the wrestling scene no other details have emerged as of yet.

- Joey Tierney, who still wrestles on the Bebo Wrestling Network, has also expressed interest in signing with Infinity. We will have more on this development as more details emerge.

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The Dirtsheet

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Infinity City: New Beginnings

Infinity Wrestling is now off the ground and there has been a lot of buzz about this new and unique federation, conversation and rumors had flooded social media, day two of IWF looks as promising as the first.

- An official IWF statement confirms the signings of six superstars on its first day, including 'Your Hero and Mine' Joey Harding. You can read the full statement here:

- Rumors of other signings have been circulating, Jordan Casanova is one of these superstars after he established the twitter account @IWFHooligan to message other Infinity roster members.

- Insiders in the Infinity circuit also say that the Infinity COO The Copycat Kid had approached former wrestler Bobby Hogan to join the company. The nature of what contract he proposed to him is unknown.

- As part of the first ever Purity Championship event to take place on the first show, roster members have recommended people for the role of lead and colour commentators. So far some of the names include Chris Platt, Dani Tores, Badam Rego, Telis Reye, Jackson Peters, and Sammy Kinghan. Roderick Blackmore told our reporter on the story that he was unhappy so far with these referrals, Roderick stated "It's only day two and they're already trying to ruin my Infinity with their proposals."

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